The EntreMD Podcast

Navigating Business Challenges with Joy with Dr. Makda Majette

Dr. Una Episode 380

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Have you ever considered how the pursuit of joy could be the key to success and personal fulfilment? That's the intriguing concept we explore in our enlightening conversation with the extraordinary Dr. Makda Majette. As a family physician, HIV specialist, and physician entrepreneur, Dr. Makda has made it her mission to be a beacon of joy, even in the face of personal struggles. She shares her inspiring journey, revealing how joy became her navigational tool through difficult times, demonstrating the significance of accepting joy from others, and maintaining a joyful disposition even amidst the demanding pressures of her fields.

We also delve into the importance of self-kindness and embracing compliments, and how these habits can help us in our demanding professions. Dr. Makda and I discuss the EntreMD Business School, the ultimate destination for physicians aiming to build successful businesses. Offering a community of support, coaching, and accountability, this school could be just the ticket for addressing your entrepreneurial aspirations. Join us as we explore how to embody joy in your professional journey and find out if this business school is the right fit for you.

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When you are ready to work with us, here are three ways:

  • EntreMD Business School Accelerator - If you are looking to make a 180 turnaround in your business in 90 days, this is the program for you.
  • EntreMD Business School Grow - This is our year-long program with a track record of producing physician entrepreneurs who are building 6, 7 and 7+ figure businesses. They do this while building their dream lives!
  • EntreMD Business School Scale - This is our high-level mastermind for physicians who have crossed the seven figure milestone and want to build their businesses to be well oiled machines that can run without them.

To get on a call with my team to determine your next best step, go here ...

Speaker 1:

Hi docs, welcome to the Entremd podcast, where it's all about helping amazing physicians just like you and brace entrepreneurship so you can have the freedom to live life and practice medicine on your terms. I'm your host, dr Ibnah. Well, hello, hello, my friend. Welcome back to another episode of the Entremd podcast. Today is going to be a lot of fun because we are going in a direction I don't think we've gotten since we started this podcast almost four years ago at this point. And I have the amazing Dr Magda the jet here and she is one of the rock star docs in the Entremd Business School and I would have her introduce herself in a second. So you'll see why I'm so excited that she's here, and then we're going to take this in an interesting direction. So, dr Magda, welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Oh great, I'm so excited to be here with you. Dr Ibnah, I am just to introduce myself. I'm Dr Magda Majed. I'm a family physician in Miami Florida. I'm also a HIV specialist and I am a physician entrepreneur newly physician entrepreneur and I am still growing and learning new things every day, and I'm very excited to share some things that I've learned through my experience with you today.

Speaker 1:

Love it and so learning you're always going to do. You're in a whole business school, so what can we say, right? But so the conversation we're about to have is a spin off from a conversation that happened in the Entremd Business School vision retreat. So every year in October we have a vision retreat. That's where we set our goals for the next year, right? So, like everyone who listens to the podcast knows that, I start my year in November, in October, and that's just because, if you started January late, you know what I mean, that you're already started. And so at that retreat. By the way, how was that retreat for you?

Speaker 2:

It was transformational for me, I would say I think that's the term I would use there was so much energy in the room. I don't think I've in my life. I've never been in a room with that many doctors first of all. Physicians that were happy, right, that had a strong vision and their life goals kind of in their mindset and were sharing so much intimately. And there was no competition in the room, which is the main thing too. So there was no comparison or competition, but it was. I was in a room full of. I felt like I was in a room full of giants, but I did not feel insecure in any way.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that is so good. Yeah, that's a me and that's a really good read of the room. I wouldn't have used those words, but that's exactly what it was like. Wow, Okay, I'm glad I asked that question. Okay, so Dr Magda was in this room full of giants and she did not feel insecure because she's one of the giants and it's a room full. I mean, we're talking vision people, all nine areas of their lives, what 2024 is going to look like, and we're working through mindset drama and all of this stuff. So I believe it was on the second day and I was like, okay, we're going to be chasing down these business goals, we're going to be chasing down these life goals, but how do you do this? And still right and still have. So I started listing out some things on. One of the things I said was joy. Like how do you work hard no-transcript, push through obstacles, have to deal with challenges, go through the almost like a grind of everyday life, right, and be joyful because we're burning daylight, right, this is not the rehearsal, this is the life. And if we cannot have joy as we go after our goals, when are we going to have joy? Right, Like who wants to be 90? And you're like I achieved everything but man, I didn't live any aspect of my life Like I just wasn't there. I wasn't present, I didn't enjoy it. Who wants that? Nobody wants that, okay. So I asked the question and Dr Magda came up to say I have something to say. And when she got up, I was like you know what? She is? The embodiment. So if you're listening to this on the podcast, you don't get to see her face. You're watching this on YouTube. It's just joy. There's just this joy that she radiates, always has this big smile on her face. When you see her, you just smile. That's the way it is. So when she came up, I was like okay, that's interesting. Yeah, you should be talking about this. So tell us what you told us then your thoughts about that, how people need to approach that. So let's have some dialogue around them.

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, I'm not sure if I'll word it, but it won't be exactly, of course, what I said during the vision retreat, but what I said was a lot of us well, if you have my personality in particular. So from my personal example, I made a conscious decision that I would be a source of joy for others, even if I couldn't be for myself, and so, in that respect, there's all sorts of things that we hear about If you put on a smile, people smile back and they reflect that back to you, and then, of course, that will make you feel better as well. So I made that decision when I was little. So I've been smiling at people since I was little, since I was younger, right so. But just because you necessarily portray joy to others doesn't mean you feel it or receive it all 100% back to you. So I had to learn to receive the joy that I get from others, and in doing that, in order to do that, it's as physicians. We work hard. We're there to help people as much as we can. That's most of us. That's why we came into this field. We want to help our patients to feel better when they give us a compliment where they say oh, dr, Thank you so much. You made me feel better. We have to take time to receive all of our compliments and realize that, hey, I was the person that did that, right, and it's not to become egotistical, right? So of course there's a balance, right, we're humble, a lot of us, but it's not you don't receive your compliments to become egotistical, but to acknowledge what you were able to do so that you can continue on and receive the happiness that you were giving your patients or the people in your life, so that you can continue on doing that. Because if you don't receive, if you only give and you never receive the joy that you're giving others, then you will be completely depleted because you will feel like I'm working, I'm working, I'm working. And then when people say, oh, thank you, doc, you're thinking, oh well, they don't know that I did this wrong and you're not really receiving your compliments, you're not really receiving what you have put out there, and then you will not be able to sustain that's. That's a little bit of what I what I said, that is so good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

That's a little bit of what I was getting to at the vision trip course. Is not exactly the same of what I what I said there, but that's the main. The main point is that we have to be able to treat ourselves kindly. We treat, if you spoke to your patient, the way you may speak to yourself at night, is that going to sustain you?

Speaker 1:

I think you even talk about, because you, you trigger this whole little movement in the outer, empty business school or people like little Mac now, really little Mac now right. So so talk to talk to us about that piece where you know like how we should look at ourselves and this. I think this really triggers this whole concept of us being kind to ourselves.

Speaker 2:

Right, which is very important. So we have to treat ourselves Even as Okay. So it goes in two ways. You can treat yourself as you were a baby, right? So babies they smile like a million times a day. Of course that that changes as we age, but it doesn't have to change to the extent that it does. You can treat yourself kindly like if. How would I speak to that baby? Would I want her to be happy? Would I tell her, oh, she's doing this wrong and she did this wrong and she can't get anything right? No, I would say oh, wow, look at you, you improve from yesterday. You're talking, speaking more words. Oh, you may not have pronounced that right, but you can get it. And it's so cute when you mess that up. You're going to do better next time and that's how we should treat ourselves. And the other way you can see that is I had a mentor that told me before that was very pivotal in my life was we have to look at ourselves the way God sees us and we have to speak to ourselves the way God speaks to us. Right, so, and? But it's also that that can go different ways, because some people view God as a vengent God and some people view God as a God with unconditional love. I'm talking about the unconditional loving God. That's the God. That's the God that I'm speaking about. So treating yourself as an amazing being that was created to do wonderful, wonderful things, and just being kind to yourself in that way. That's what I'm going at.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I want to start off by saying my natural bent would be to treat something like this as something soft. We don't need that. We just show up and do what we need to do. This is my natural bent and as I've gone on my journey as a physician, as a mom, as a wife, as an entrepreneur, as all of these things and I've gotten older, I realize that a lot of the things that maybe a type, a kind of person will consider as soft are actually the things that we need to enjoy our lives, is actually the things that will stop us from quitting in the hard times. And that is the reason why, on a podcast where we're talking to people running seven figure businesses, we're talking about this right, because entrepreneurship is hard, is doable, is very rewarding, but it's hard. And if you can't figure out how to enjoy the journey, what's the point? Because most entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs like forever. I see people they sell their businesses. They sell their businesses for $50 million. All of that. They take off for a year, go on all the trips, do all the things and they're like they start another business. Entrepreneurs typically are just entrepreneurs and it is very critical that we learn to build dream businesses and build our dream lives at the same time. So the things you've talked about here, they're simple, meaning we can do them, we can smile, we can smile at people, we can make that a habit. I'll tell you something funny when I started doing videos, I would write smile on a post-it note and put on the computer, because that's not my natural bent. I'm an introvert, I'm all in my head and thinking and I just put that there to remind myself to smile. When I walk into a patient's room, I walk in with a big smile, doesn't matter what happened before, because I'm like I don't know, I might be the only smile they get today, I don't know, and so I would do all of those things. But you bring up something really important the fact that we give, it doesn't mean that we can receive, and we need to do both parts. So someone can then say, oh my goodness, dr. No, you're amazing. Coming to your office to see is really the highlight of my day and I'm just like, whatever I'm doing my job. I could do that. But what I did is I just short-circuited the process because it's supposed to be a give and receive cycle and I just cut it off. So there are people listening May or may not be me, I cannot confirm, not deny but let's say somebody's struggling with a side of receiving, whether that is compliments, gifts, thank yous and all of those things. What would you, you've grown in your capacity to receive right. What would you say to that person? How do they start this process of building that habit of? Because for many people it's awkward? Yeah, I'm just doing my job and your dress is nice. Yeah, I got it from where nobody asked. You Just say thank you. You know what I mean. Okay, so what would you say to that person?

Speaker 2:

I would say first that was me a while ago, so I can speak to that person but I would say first, start with if you're receiving a compliment, pause for a second before you. Your first thought is going to be oh, I didn't really do that great, right? So maybe? Or oh, it wasn't that good, it could have been better. That may be the first thought, but don't, don't say that out of your mouth the first. Pause for a second and just say thank you so much for the compliment. I appreciate it, right. So and just think about each compliment you get from someone or each gift you get for someone as a gift, and remember that gifts we do not have to work for them or deserve them. So it goes back into you are going back into thinking you are worthy just as you are. You don't have to be anything different than you are to get the gifts that you're getting. Right. So it was, that was for you, right. So if someone comes and says, oh, dr Una, you have impeccable style and you, of course, you made the choice, this whole thing, which is fine, we've been taught to kind of humble our compliments and humble our, so that we don't sound egotistical in a way, I believe. But it's not. It's not your ego that's doing that. You, the person that's giving the compliment wants to give it to you. So when you give it back to them, they're just like I'm not, I'm not going to compliment her, because every time I compliment her she says something bad about herself. So maybe I'll just, I'll, just, I'll spare her the idea. Yeah, I'll then admire her from afar, or. But it's very nice to accept those compliments. So if someone says your patient says, oh, that's the best doctor I've ever had, take a minute and read it, acknowledge it and just say my patient said that's the best doctor I have. And it's not by your own abilities that you became the best doctor that this patient had. It's because, of course, you did the work, but you also had community, you had a higher power, you had steps. It took years to get there. Just acknowledge it, this patient or whatever the compliment is, and just take a minute, acknowledge it and then you can move on to something else. But don't immediately go to oh, they're lying. This other one said I'm bad, I'm bad, I'm gonna believe. The one that says I'm not that great. No, just take a minute. With each comment, those things build us up so that we can manage challenging times, so that when the time comes where you get a bad review, you're like well, I got 100 great reviews, two bad reviews. I'm not going to waste my time believing something that's not true when I have accepted all of these compliments and I know that I provide a great service.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, okay, people gotta accept the compliments, okay. So let me run down what you gave us here. So the first, again simple, number one is smile, right, and we call all practices that more. We live in a world that's really strange at this time. So, yes, let's do that one. The second one is being aware that you can give joy but not receive it right, like we wanna have that awareness. And then the third thing we want to practice receiving the joy, whether it's a compliment, whether it's thanks, whether it's a gift, whatever. That is practice not deflecting it, right, which is what we do a lot of times. It comes towards us. We deflect it. We either give it to somebody else or knock it down or say it's not that great. We can just say thank you, and thank you is a whole sentence. We do not need a paragraph here, even like oh my goodness, thank you, that's it, that's it. And in the beginning it would be weird because I know, because I did this, and after a while it just becomes normal thank you, and I'm glad you would share that with me. And then the fourth thing is really practicing being kind to ourselves. Some of the things we say to ourselves, we would never say it to someone we love. We'd never say it to a patient, we'd never say it to a child, we'd never say it to anybody but us. And so maybe we want to start being nicer to ourselves. We're in times when I've seen a lot of people we're talking people running eight figure businesses. Just go, I'm done. And a lot of it is tied to the fact that, yes, they have the tactics, they have the strategies, they know what to do, they have the team, they have all of that. But there's this inner life we need to start paying attention to and you can't see it. So it's kind of like does it matter? And joy is a big part of that, because a business without joy is kind of like a car without engine oil in the engine. So, yes, could it still move, kind of sorta, but there'd be smoke everywhere and noise and eventually it's gonna pack up right. This is kind of like that oil that makes the journey smoother and easier and more fun and nice, and you can keep going and you have challenges and you weather the storm, but you keep going because of these things. So amazing.

Speaker 2:

Enjoy the journey right. So it's not just we work so hard to accomplish we sacrifice, which part of that. As entrepreneurs, especially as physician entrepreneurs, we understand what sacrifices, right, residency? We were taught to sacrifice to a large extent and then we have to. Now, as attendings. You have to enjoy each step.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm 100, I'm a thousand percent there with you. In fact, recently I was thinking I was like if somebody wrote my life story and took my name out and put another name and, right, replace me, if I read that book I'll be like, oh my goodness, she's amazing. Look what she did, look at her life, look at how she thinks she's good. I'll be highlighting it, right, and all of that and I'm not saying that that's everybody's life, you listening to me like it's our lives, like if somebody wrote that and we read it, we'll be blown away. And I think one of the greatest regrets that people would have is At the end of their life they'll look back at their autobiography. I realized that was amazing, but I never enjoyed it. I didn't enjoy any of it. I didn't enjoy any when. I didn't enjoy any milestone. I didn't enjoy any of that and that's a regret I don't want to have and I want to start enjoying everything from right now. It requires a certain amount of self-awareness and just stopping to look around to do that.

Speaker 2:

I often just think how amazing this life that we have is and how amazing each day that we have is, and remember we think God is not guaranteed, but we are here and we have an amazing chance to do something different or to try something new, or to continue on with the same love our family, whatever it is, and just embrace it each day and make that decision.

Speaker 1:

It's a decision.

Speaker 2:

And you discuss that it's a decision to wake up and say I choose to find and when you smile you find things to smile about. So I smile so often that I just oh, that was kind of you start finding things throughout the day to smile more about. And it's the same when I was not so happy or joyful, the same with crying If I was upset, something made me upset. Next thing, you know, I'm thinking of 10 more things that made me upset. Right? So if you can choose to spiral, not spiral, but if you can choose your thoughts, which we can to a large extent choose the ones that move you forward, choose the ones that make you happy, choose the ones that bring life and choose the ones that improve your life, your community, your family. Try not to let the ones that are harmful to you, to your family, to your business, don't let them foster, and just choose the positive ones.

Speaker 1:

And guys, this is Dr Magda for you. She smiled the entire time. She's in the alternative business school. She has smiled this entire podcast, so I couldn't imagine who else to bring here to talk about this. But thank you for coming to share this. You're on social media quite a bit working on that personal brand and the other things happening, so tell people where they can find you so they can go over there support you for all this good yami and us you shared with everybody.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, Dr. Now you can find me at at docmajet on Instagram. I'm also at well, DOC Majette M-A-J-E-T-T-E on Instagram, also on threads, and I'm working on opening my practice soon, so I look forward to seeing you all and hearing how this has helped you as well.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's so good and I can't wait for you to open because this is going to be fascinating. Ok, people, what I want you to do with this episode I mean, you know how, how it is in the healthcare space, in the physician community. We could all use quite a bit of joy. So I want you to share this episode with the docs in your life. You can take it, take a screenshot. They shared on social media. You can tag me, tag Dr Majette as well, and let people know how it helped you and tell them hey, go subscribe, go listen to the episode and this is going to be really transformation. Imagine a ripple effect of joy Like I'll sign up for that any day. So, dr Majette, thank you for coming on the show. This was so good.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much, Dr. Inners of Pleasure yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right people, so go share it and I'll see you on the next episode of the OnTrendy podcast. If you enjoy listening to the OnTrendy podcast, you have to check out the OnTrendy business school. It's the number one business school for physicians who want to build six, seven and multiple seven figure businesses. You get the coaching, the accountability and the community. You need to do the work so you can thrive to find out if this is your best. Next step Book a call with my team ontrendycom forward slash call. That's ontrendycom forward slash call. I can't wait to celebrate all the wins we can create together.